Team Philosophy and Athlete Expectations

Parents and Athletes: Please read this document carefully and completely.

Cross Country is a highly competitive athletic team at Davis Senior High. By choosing to participate, students are making a commitment of their time that requires discipline, motivation, teamwork and a good work ethic. Students are acknowledging that they can manage their academic responsibilities and other personal obligations while honoring the expectations and requirements of being on the cross country team. By choosing to participate in cross country an athlete may have to forego other activities that conflict with practice and competition. There are no tryouts based on running performance, however students will not be able to participate if they cannot meet the expectations described below.

Sports Physicals, Sports Physical Packets, Parent Driver Forms
Sports Physicals must be completed and packets returned in order for athletes to be eligible to participate in practice and meets. Sports Physicals must be completed for each academic school year. Sports Packets must be turned in at the Athletics office in the administration office at Davis  High. Office hours are M-F 8:00am - Noon and 1:00pm - 3:30pm.  Contact the Athletics Department if you cannot turn in forms at these times.  Athletics Department: 530 757-5400 ext. 125 or 530 757-5400 ext. 111
Athletes must bring their Athletics Clearance Card to their first practice and turn in to a coach.

Click here for links to: Sports Physical Packets, Emergency Forms, and Parent Driver Forms 

Registration on
Athletes must have an account on in order for to be on the cross country team roster. New athletes need to create an account. Click here for instructions on how to create a new account. Returning athletes need to login and update their account profile. XCStats uploads results after each meet and provides a wealth of data for runners to analyze their individual performances and track their improvement.

Training Logs on has a very useful training log feature. A mobile app is available. All Davis High runners will be expected to maintain their training log on on a daily basis. Athletes not keeping their logs up to date will be subject to dismissal from the team.

Equipment Requirements
Athletes must have a watch with a chronograph function and good quality running shoes. Athletes arriving at practice without a watch will be dismissed from that practice and the absence will be unexcused. We recommend shopping at Fleet Feet Sports in Davis for shoes. Running shoes should be used only for practice and races, and not for daily wear at school or in Physical Education classes.

Practice Schedule – official start of 2015 season
Beginning August 17, the team will practice 5 days per week, Monday through Friday.
Practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 17-19 will be at 6:30 pm. Meet at the Community Pool Solar Panels just north of Community Pool. The team's training camp will be August 20-23 at Soda Springs. No practice in Davis on Thursday and Friday, August 20-21 because of camp. Practice on Monday and Tuesday, August 24-25 will be at 6:30 pm. Beginning Wednesday, August 26 practice will be from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm every day after school. Meet at the Community Pool Solar Panels.

Camp at Soda Springs
The team's training camp will be August 20-23 at Soda Springs. Athletes who apply to attend camp must commit to compete at the Delta Valley Conference Championships (10-31-15), the Sub-Section Championships (11-7-15), and the Section Championships (should you qualify 11-14-15). Space at camp is limited and the camp roster will be by Coaches' Invitation from submitted camp applications should we receive more applications than available space.

Conflicts with Practice Time
The coaches recognize that some athletes may be participating in other school sponsored extracurricular activities during practice time. Under certain circumstances, with the coach's approval, athletes with scheduling conflicts may be accommodated. Early and proactive communication is very important with regard to practice attendance. It is expected that other optional after school activities that are not school sponsored will be scheduled so as not to conflict with cross country practice; attending practice should be the athlete's priority during the 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm time period. Examples of optional activities that need to be scheduled outside of cross country practice times include private music lessons, part time jobs, tutoring, test prep classes, and participating on club sports teams. Contact coach Bill if you need to talk about practice attendance.

Minimum Attendance
Athletes are expected to attend all practices. Athletes with conflicts during practice time, subject to coaches’ advance approval, will be required to attend a minimum of 6 practices every two weeks to be eligible to participate on the team. See the special attendance requirements below for the Mt. SAC Invitational eligibility.

Independent Lifetime Sports
Athletes taking Independent Lifetime Sports for Physical Education credit are required to attend practice 5 days per week and compete in all races they are eligible for.

Requests to Excuse Absences
It is the athlete's responsibility (not the athlete’s parent) to communicate about absences from practice due to illness or extenuating circumstances. Communication should be prior to practice, but no later than the evening of a missed practice. E-mail coach Tim using the XCStats e-mail function to request that an absence be excused. E-mails that are framed as a statement or notification of absence (not framed as a request to be excused) will not be accepted. Requests to be excused from practice that are delivered verbally for an athlete by a teammate will not be accepted. 3 unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team.

Mt. SAC Cross Country Invitational
The team has a long tradition of traveling to Southern California for one of the premier high school cross country races in the nation and the world. The meet is a key race in the schedule, serving as a benchmark for individual and team progress and preparing athletes for the league, subsection, section, and state meet races at season’s end.

Eligibility to Compete at the Mt. SAC Cross Country Invitational is by Coaches’ Invitation.
Entries are limited for Mt. SAC by gender as follows: 10 freshmen, 10 sophomores, 10 JV (11th and 12th graders), and 7 Varsity. Athletes can expect to be invited to participate in this meet if they have honored the expectations of being on the team, satisfy the Mt. SAC attendance requirement of attending practice a minimum of 8 days every two weeks, have no unexcused absences throughout the season, and are in the top 10 for their grade/division/gender or top 7 varsity.